
NEXT of Market 2020
In March 2020, Gastros Switzerland wins the "NEXT of Market" in the category nonfood for the InductWarm® Battery Module. The award honours trend-setting solutions and concepts, which have been introduced to the market just recently. It is given once a year by the leading magazines of the B&L Mediengesellschaft and is based on the decision of an expert jury.

Intergastra Innovation Prize 2020
The INTERGASTRA INNOVATION PRIZE is given by Messe Stuttgart, the Allgemeinen Hotel- und Gastronomie-Zeitung and the DEHOGA Baden-Württemberg for seminal ideas. Gastros Switzerland is the winner in the category "kitchen systems" for its InductWarm® Battery Module - a battery-powered induction module that can be integrated in any kind of mobile buffet solution. It keeps food warm gently and constantly up to four hours - with only one battery charge.

SMART Label by Host 2019
SMART Label is an award for innovative products and concepts of the hospitality industry, promoted by the international hospitality exhibition HOST Fiera Milano. The award was given during the HOST in Milan in October. Gastros Switzerland was able to convince the jury with the prototype of the brand-new InductWarm® Battery Module and became one of the winners of the SMART Label 2019.

FCSI EAME Sponsor Award 2019
As a supporting member of the FCSI (Foodservice Consultants Society International) we are happy to have received this special award during HOST Milano 2019.

Top Hotel Star Award 2017
Bronze in category „Efficiency“ for the Inductive Room Service Table (iRST)
With the newly released technology of battery powered Room Service Tables, Gastros entered in a new level of mobile food warming. The inductive Room Service Table from Gastros is the worldwide first battery driven, mobile solution for active warming.
Silver Medal in category „Flexibility“ for the InductWarm 130 series
With the InductWarm® 130, Gastros Switzerland AG developed an induction unit for the use with different cover materials such as glass, artificial stone an wood. The induction unit is completely invisible installed and allows to use the buffet/table in a multifunctional way.

INTERNORGA Future Award 2013
Gastros Switzerland AG developed a complete new induction technology for keeping food warm in a very energy efficient way. There is no need for bad smelling burning paste and the usage of “bain marie” that evaporates water into the food and therefore reduces the food quality. Gastros Switzerland AG sets new standards in the induction technology that allows the interior designer to build multifunctional buffets.

De Vigier Award 2013
Seven years, Timo Hafner developed an inductive layer to use in combination with standard porcelain. The result is a filmy layer that is implemented in the production process of the porcelain. Herewith, Gastros offers a complete for inductive food warming system including the induction elements, the porcelain bowls and covers, the tables etc.

Gastro Vision Award 2011
The InductWarm® system received the Gastro Vision Award 2011 - here is an extract from the article (from German website):
"InductWarm" is the name of a completely new technology that will revolutionise hot holding at the buffet. The InductWarm system includes a table with invisible installed induction modules. The food is kept warm in special inductive dishes - without the smell of burning paste.